We offer quality instruction that aims for progression and perfection each lesson. and allows each child to reach their full potential in a non-threatening environment.
Are paid in advance due the first week of the month. Weekly payments are not accepted.Class position is only secure when full fees are paid. If fees remain unpaid by the end of the month, your booking cannot he guaranteed.
Are to be paid for and no credit is given. If a lesson is missed a make-up may be possible. To claim
a make-up lesson swimmers must advise us prior to their lesson that they cannot attend. be currently enrolled and fee up to date. We will do our best to accommodate you. however, make-ups cannot be guaranteed. To retain your place during an extended absence ie. Holidays, sickness,
missed lessons must be paid for in advance. Your alternative is to cancel your booking and rebook on your return although there is no guarantee of placement. Makeup lessons can not be transferred to another student.
It is important for us to have correct records. Please make sure that you call at the desk and register your attendance before your lesson.
You are not required to rebook each month. Your booking is permanent until you inform us of your intention to cancel the lesson.
You are able to change your lesson time or day rf required. however. you may need to be placed on a waiting list until a suitable alternative becomes available.
We place a high importance on providing the same instructor weekly, however, at times your child will need to swim with a replacement instructor due to illness etc. All our instructors are highly trained.
The Swim Centre is always closed on public holidays. Learn to Swim fees will be discounted accordingly.
Every child progresses at a different rate. If you have concerns, whether it relates to your child or instructor, please refer the matter to reception. The provision of quality swimming lessons ensuring your child reaches full potential as soon as possible is our commitment to you.
• All children aged 3 years and below MUST wear a firmly fitting swimming nappy such as a -Speedo Basic Aqua Nappy”. This is in ADDITION to any disposable aqua nappies that are worn underneath.
• This also applies to any children over the age of 3 years who are not completely toilet trained.
• We reserve the right to ask any person that is not complying with this policy to exit the pool.
• This policy is in place to ensure the highest possible water quality for our patrons.